Drag and Drop elements to interact with Omneo

Simplicty First

Drop in with minimal setup with simple JS/CSS includes and easy-to-use data attribute configuration

Sharing is Caring

Shapes share Omneo resource data! That means no double ups on requests and all shapes stay in sync


Shapes cache their state between page loads, so reloads won't cause you headaches with lots of empty data

Getting started is easy...

Include the Shapes JS and CSS in your <head/>

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.omneo.io/shapes/beta/omneo.shapes.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.omneo.io/shapes/beta/omneo.shapes.css">

Initialise Shapes support in your <head/> or <body/>

        url: {{api_url}},
        token: {{api_token}}, // Omneo API token generated in CX Manager
        profileId: {{profile_id}}

Start using Shapes on your page

<div data-omneo-shape="RewardBalance"></div>