Omneo Barcodes

Omneo Barcodes

The Omneo Barcodes service returns an HTML reponse with a barcode, that can be embedded in external platforms, such as emails or web forms.

How it works

  1. Decide on how you'd like your barcode to look using the options below
  2. Set the omneo barcode service as the src of an image.
  3. Set the url parameters based on your options in step 1
  4. The document will fetch the barcode service, and render a barcode.
    <img src=""/>


Get your secret

The barcode service authenticates using a secret for your omneo instance.
This secret can be obtained from your omneo administrator.

Encode your parameters with your secret.

You must HMAC 256 encode your parameters with the provided secret.
This creates a token that is only valid for the set of parameters used to generate the HMAC

for example, using a secret of 1234
If you'd like to generate a barcode, with params

you'd get the following token

This can then be used to invoke the barcode service with

It's important to note, any changes to the url params above will make the url invalid
as your token acts as your password to generate a barcode in this way.

Url Parameters

  • token: Your HMAC encoded data parameters (not including this token param) see Authentication
  • data: The data to encode within your barcode
  • type: The barcode type must be one of the below
    • codabar: each character to encode must be one of 0123456789-$:/.+
    • code11: each character to encode must be one of 0123456789-
    • code39: each character to encode must be one of 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%
    • code93: each character to encode must be one of 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%
    • code128: each character to encode must be one of !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
    • ean8: data to encode must contain 7 numerical digits.
    • ean13: data to encode must contain 12 numerical digits.
    • std25 (standard 2 of 5): data to encode must contain only numerical digits.
    • int25 (interleaved 2 of 5): data to encode must contain only numerical digits.
    • msi: data to encode must contain only numerical digits.
    • upc: data to encode must contain 11 numerical digits.
    • datamatrix: data to encode has no restrictions.
  • crc: Cyclic redundancy check. For code93, std25, int25 and msi barcode types. Default: true
  • rectangular: For datamatrix only. Default: false
  • padding: The space in pixels around one side of the barcode that will be applied for its 4 sides. Default: 0
  • width: The width in pixels to fix for the generated image. Default: 150
  • height: The height in pixels to fix for the generated image. Default: 150
  • barWidth: The bar width in pixels for 1D barcodes. Default: 1
  • barHeight: The bar height in pixels for 1D barcodes. Default: 50
  • original1DSize: If true keep the original 1D barcode size determined by barWidth and barHeight else apply the specified width and height sizes to the final image. Default: false
  • original2DSize: For rectangular datamatrixes, if true keep the original 2D barcode size based on width else apply the specified width and height sizes to the final image. Default: false
  • addQuietZone: Add a quiet zone at the end of 1D barcodes. Default: true
  • color: The bars and hri color #000000
  • opacity: The bars and hri opacity.
  • bgColor: The background color.
  • bgOpacity: The background opacity.
  • hriShow: Show human readable interpretation of the encoded data.
  • hriFontFamily: The HRI Font, must be one of:
    • Sans-serif
    • Arial
    • Arial Black
    • Arial Narrow
    • Arial Rounded MT Bold
    • Avant Garde
    • Calibri
    • Candara
    • Century Gothic
    • Franklin Gothic Medium
    • Futura
    • Geneva
    • Gill Sans
    • Helvetica
    • Impact
    • Lucida Grande
    • Optima
    • Segoe UI
    • Tahoma
    • Trebuchet MS
    • Verdana
    • Serif
    • Bodoni MT
    • Book Antiqua
    • Calisto MT
    • Cambria
    • Didot
    • Garamond
    • Goudy Old Style
    • Lucida Bright
    • Palatino
    • Perpetua
    • Rockwell
    • Rockwell Extra Bold
    • Baskerville
    • Times New Roman
    • Consolas
    • Courier New
    • Lucida Console
    • Lucida Sans Typewriter
    • Monaco
    • Andale Mono
    • Copperlate
    • Papyrus
    • Brush Script MT
  • hriFontSize: HRI Font Size
  • hriMarginTop: The margin size in pixels between the barcode bottom and the hri text. Default: 0