Product Lists

Product Lists

Product lists are the individual collections of items that are linked to a users profile. If you have allowed it in the List Definitions, Product Lists can be shared with other users, used to save items for consideration, or even viewed and edited in-store by agents to make for a more seamless retail experience.


Please Note

In order to create a Product List, it needs to be linked to a List Definition in order to inherit the pre-defined attributes.

To create a new Product List, use POST:

POST: https://{tenant}.manager.omneo/profiles/{profile_id}/lists

Example data:

    "name": "<string>*",
    "list_definition_id": "<integer>*",
    "sort_order": "<integer>",
    "tags": [
    "meta": "<array>",
    "items": [
            "product_variant_sku": "<string>", 
            "product_variant_barcode": "<string>",  
            "product_category_id": "<integer>",  
            "product_variant_id": "<integer>", 
            "product_id": "<integer>", 
            "external_id": "<string>", 
            "quantity": "<integer>",
    "description": "<string>"

You can update a Product List once it has been created by using PUT:

PUT: https://{tenant}.manager.omneo/profiles/{profile_id}/lists/{list_id}

Example data:

    "name": "<updated string>",
    "sort_order": "<integer>",
    "tags": [
         "<updated tags>",
        "<updated tags>"
    "meta": "<array>",
    "description": "<string>",
      "items": [
            "id": "<string>", 
            "quantity": "<integer>",

Retrieving Product Lists can be done one of two ways.
To GET all of the lists associated with a profile:

GET: https://{tenant}.manager.omneo/profiles/{profile_id}/lists

And to GET a specific list:

GET: https://{tenant}.manager.omneo/profiles/{profile_id}/lists/{list_id}

Sharing of lists is only available if the list definition has "allow_share" enabled. To share a product list, use POST:

POST: https://{tenant}.manager.omneo/profiles/{profile_id}/lists/{list_id}/shares

And to unshare a Product List, you can use DELETE:

DELETE: https://{tenant}.manager.omneo/profiles/{profile_id}/lists/{list_id}/shares/{share_id}

You can also GET a list by it's share code:

GET: https://{tenant}.manager.omneo/lists/shares/{share_code}

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