Maintain Tiers
When you earn a tier, an anniversary date is set 1 year from that day, on that day Omneo will calculate the total progress and credits and the tier will be maintained or a new lower tier will be set.
A daily process runs to get all profiles who have an anniversary due today (anniversary day equal or less than today), going into this process the following values are known:
- current_tier: the current tier level profile has
- next_tier: what will be next tier level based on current tier level
- prev_tier: what will be previous tier level based on current tier level
Tiers | Definitions |
current_tier | the current tier level profile has |
next_tier | what will be next tier level based on current tier level |
prev_tier | what will be previous tier level based on current tier level |

Tier System
- current_credit: How much credit can be used to maintain a tier, it equals to total tier points profile has for last tier cycle minus min value of tier points of current tier level. For example, profiles has 650 points in total for last tier cycle, and the min tier points for tier is 400, they will have 250 credit that can be applied to maintain a tier for the next cycle only. In short, any "overshoot" that got you into the tier in the first place counts as progress to maintaining the tier next year.
- Example of Current Credit:
Total profile points = 650
Min tier Points (maintain the tier) = 400
Credit that can be applied (to maintain a tier for the next cycle only) = 250
Current Credit
Current Credit = (total tier points profile has for last tier cycle)- (minβ‘ value of tier points of current tier level)
-Total tier points in last tier cycle: how many tier points a profile has in total at the anniversary date, for example, profile has tier anniversary day 2021-11-23
, he must achieved/maintained or lost and back to this tier at 2020-11-23
, so his total tier points during last tier circle is calculated from 2019-11-23
to 2020-11-23
For Example : on 2020-11-23
=> Achieved /Maintained/ lost and back to the tier
so, his total tier points during last tier circle is calculated from 2019-11-23
to 2020-11-23
Total tier points in last tier cycle
Total tier points in last tier cycle = how many tier points a profile has in total at the anniversary date
Min value of tier points: you can find this in tier configuration,
current_progress: How much points profile has in current tier level, it sums
and total tier points since last date when profile achieved/maintained or lose a tier, then compare result with min points value of current tier, and return as below.- min tier points value if result is larger than min value
- result if result is smaller than min value
- For example, profile has tier anniversary day
, 250 points credit, 300 points since2020-11-23
and min points value is 400, the current_progress will compare 550 (250 + 300) with 400, and return 400
Anniversary Date: 2021-11-23
Points Credit = 250
Points Credit = 300 since 2020-11-23
Min points value = 400
Current Progress = Compare 550( 200 +350) with 400 and return 400
Current Progress
Current Progress = How much points profile has in current tier level
(Current Credit + total tier points since last date when profile achieved/maintained or
lose a tier)
Minimum tier points => if( result > min value)
Result = > if (result < min value)
current_remain: How much points profile need to keep current tier, it equals to
- if tier's value to maintain (
) is not empty, use it minuscurrent_progress
- if tier's value to maintain is empty, use min points value (
) minuscurrent_progress
- if tier's value to maintain (
next_progress: how much points profile need to achieve next tier,
- if next tier doesn't exist, return 0
- if next tier exists, return how much points profile has in total in current tier circle. For example, profile has tier anniversary day
, it calculates total points since2020-11-23
to today
next_remain: How much points profile need to achieve next tier, it equals to
- if next tier doesn't exist, return
- if next tier exists, return min points value(
) of next tier minusnext_progress
- if next tier doesn't exist, return
total_points_12m: how much points profile has in total in current tier circle
total_points_achievement: Total tier points profile has for last tier circle (check
If current_remain
equals 0, profile keep his current tier, and add one year to anniversary date, it will trigger Tier Maintained
If current_remain
is not 0, profile loses current tier, and goes back to eligible previous tier. It will trigger Tier Lost
Updated about 3 years ago