Why integrate Omneo with POS?

Integrating Omneo at POS allows customers to engage with the Omneo platform at the storefront, without breaking the customers experience.
Integrating an existing Point of Sale system with Omneo allows access businesses to:

Search, view, edit or create an Omneo Profile
This includes core informations such as name and address, but also attributes such as height and hair colour.

  • Sync Omneo Profiles to the POS’s Customer database;
    -Get a Reward Balance;
  • Create a Reward Redemption, Reversal or Refund;
  • Create a Benefit Redemption, Reversal or Refund;
  • Create, edit or delete Staff records;
  • In some environments, POS systems may also:
  • Send Product data to Omneo;
  • Send Transaction data to Omneo;

First steps with Omneo at the POS

The first steps you should take when integrating Omneo at POS, is determining the functionality you wish to bring to the customer. An integration involving reviewing and editing customer profiles can involve invoking the Clienteling portal directly.

Key features of a POS integration

  • Customer Management
  • Redemption Management
  • Staff Management
  • Transaction Management
  • Incentive Management
  • Product Management

Customer Management

Omneo maintains synchronisation and enrichment of customer data between platforms including POS, eCommerce, App’s, Communications and Customer Support.


Note that functionality of the Omneo Clienteling portal maybe enabled/disabled depending on the brands requirements.

We strongly recommend that the POS terminal invokes the Omneo Clienteling portal to replace native POS Customer management screens. In addition to simplifying the integration, developers can take advantage of the in build data validation and design of the Omneo Clienteling portal.

Managing Customers via Clientelling

The Omneo Clienteling portal is web based application which acts as the primary method for Staff to access Profiles and action service tasks, this portal should replace any POS “Customer” or “Member” functions whereby the POS:
Launches a chromeless browser window, loading the Omneo Clienteling portal.

For further information about accessing the Clienteling Portal, review, Clienteling

Managing Customers via the API.

Developers may wish to utilise the Omneo API for direct integration with their POS system. The Omneo API provides direct access to core Omneo functions without the use of the Clienteling portal.


The Omneo Profiles page is a great place to get started when integrating the POS. This API endpoint allows developers to directly query and manage Omneo Profiles.


To match the Search functionality provided by the Clienteling platform, developers will need to read profiles profiles based on the Omneo ID.


Most tenants have preconfigured a two way Omneo sync, to store and and sync the Omneo ID and external ID (the client systems profile ID), using this to identify the Omneo Profile at POS, and query the API.

Profile Page

When using the Omneo API, data can be obtained using one of the available endpoints and displayed real time on the client system.
Key endpoints for a standard integration are:

Managing Transactions

From the Clienteling Portal
Transactions can be viewed, but not created on the Clienteling portal.
Staff are able to view details about recent transactions, and even use the transaction callback to redirect staff to the order on the client system.

Via the API

The Omneo API provides all functionality around managing, creating and viewing transactions.
using the Transactions API endpoint, developers are able to hook into the Omneo system to use these functions. If a method for syncing your client system does not already exist with Omneo, you may wish to create the transactions directly from the POS system itself.