This page holds all the information on how to setup the Omneo integration with the Gorgias customer service platform
Omneo Gorgias Plugin
🔧 Configurable within Omneo
Gorgias settings can be configured within Omneo CX Manager
These settings change the way the plugin interacts with your Gorgias instance -
💾 Automatic Install
This plugin can be installed automatically from Gorgias, by installing the Omneo App
Before installing the app from the Gorgias marketplace, you will need an Omneo license and instance setup by the omneo team
The install will prompt you for the below info
- Omneo domain
You can get this from your Omneo admins, or by looking at your CX Manager URL
(for example: the url the omneo domain inacme.manager.getomneo.com
) - Omneo Username
The username you use to login to omneo - Omneo Pasword
The password you use to login to omneo
Notes for Gorgias Admins
Here are a few key notes about how this integration works
- This integration is installed automatically via the Gorgias marketplace
- The credentials provided during the install process, will be used to automatically setup Gorgias in your omneo enviromnent
Notes about using the integration:
- Gorgias fetches data as needed from omneo, when viewing tickets or customers in Gorgias.
Omneo data is only displayed in Gorgias if this fetch has taken place.
Gorgias fetches data when a new ticket is created - This install process will automatically setup a widget to view the customer data, this is visible on the widget sidebar when viewing a customer in gorgias
- This install process will automatically setup a HTTP integration with Gorigas, set to fetch data on ticket.created
You can tweak this integration as needed to add more events.
Gorigas Identities in Omneo
Once this integration has been installed, newly created and updated customers in Omneo will start to have an identity attached to them. This identity by default is gorgias
however, this can be configured as needed using the omneo_identity_handle
omneo_identity_handle: Omneo Identity Handle
Specify a customised Omneo Identity Handle to use in omneo. by default, this is gorgias
enabled: When set to true, the plugin is enabled.
If this is set to false, all calls to omneo made by this integration will be rejected.
domain: Your gorgias domain. This is the domain to which all API requests will be directed
Updated 8 months ago