"name":"Demo Product",
"created_at":"2020-05-27 06:21:13",
"updated_at":"2020-05-27 06:21:13"
What are transaction items?
Transaction items are attached to a transaction and contain pricing information that pairs with the accompanying transaction. Additional items can be added to an existing transaction by using the Add Transaction endpoint, or directly when creating the transaction with Add Transaction.
Transaction item properties
Attribute | Description |
idINTEGER READ-ONLY | The unique Omneo identifier of the transaction item |
external_idSTRING | The foreign id of the transaction item in an external system |
nameSTRING | The name of the item |
transaction_idINTEGER | The transaction_id this transaction item is attached to. |
product_idINTEGER | The id of the transaction item product |
product_variant_idINTEGER | The variant id of the transaction item product |
skuSTRING | The sku of the transaction item product |
variant_external_idSTRING | The external variant id of the transaction item product. This is usually the id as it is in the originating external system. |
is_voidBOOLEAN | Denotes whether this item has been voided on this transaction. |
quantityINTEGER | The quantity sold on this transaction |
price_currentFLOAT | The current available price of the item (including tax) |
price_sellFLOAT | Actual price paid for the item, after all discounts (including tax). This is the refundable amount for the item. |
price_originalFLOAT | The original price, RRP, base or standard price of the item. |
price_marginFLOAT | A $ value margin made on the sale for this item |
price_taxFLOAT | A $ value tax charged for this item |
discountsARRAY | An array of discounts applied to this item |
product_imagesARRAY | An array of product images attached to this item |
created_atREAD-ONLY DATE-TIME | The UTC date & time the Transaction Item record was created in ISO 8601 format. |
updated_atREAD-ONLY DATE-TIME | The UTC date & time the Transaction Item record was last updated in ISO 8601 format. |