"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Become a favourite",
"handle": "favourite",
"description": "Unlocks special rewards for favourites",
"internal_notes": null,
"type": null,
"starts_at": "2020-03-10T00:00:00.000000Z",
"ends_at": "2021-06-25T00:00:00.000000Z",
"is_published": true,
"display_level": true,
"display_option": "visible",
"short_description": "favourite",
"long_description": "<h3><strong>Become a Favourite</strong></h3>",
"terms_conditions": "<p>Terms and Conditions</p>",
"earn_instructions": null,
"icon": "https://icons.example.com/1",
"image_url": "https://images.example.com/1",
"levels": [
"id": 7,
"name": "favourite 1",
"achievement_definition_id": 1,
"display_number": 1,
"description": null,
"trigger": 5000,
"repeats": 0,
"repeat_interval": null,
"allow_multiple_earn": true,
"computed_display_number": null,
"computed_trigger": null,
"meta": {
"unlocks": [
"id": "level-1",
"type": "benefit_definition",
"id_type": "handle"
"id": 8,
"name": "Level 2",
"achievement_definition_id": 1,
"display_number": 2,
"description": null,
"trigger": 8000,
"repeats": 0,
"repeat_interval": null,
"allow_multiple_earn": true,
"computed_display_number": null,
"computed_trigger": null,
"meta": {
"unlocks": [
"id": "favourite-2",
"type": "benefit_definition",
"id_type": "handle"
"tags": [],
"meta": null,
"created_at": "2019-12-09 11:29:04",
"updated_at": "2020-05-14 12:33:44"
"links": {
"first": "http://api.example-tenant.getomneo.com/api/v3/achievements/definitions?page.number=1",
"last": "http://api.example-tenant.getomneo.com/api/v3/achievements/definitions?page.number=1",
"prev": null,
"next": null
"meta": {
"current_page": 1,
"from": 1,
"last_page": 1,
"path": "http://api.example-tenant.getomneo.com/api/v3/achievements/definitions",
"per_page": 15,
"to": 3,
"total": 3
What is an achievement definition?
Much like point definitions, achievement definitions are a configurable 'template' used when adding a profile achievement. Use Add Achievement Definition to specify your new type of achievement. After this, you can then Add a Profile Achievement to a profile, using your newly created definition.
More about Achievements
Further information about achievements can be found in our helpcenter [here] (https://help.omneo.io/hc/en-au/articles/360000426075-Achievements)
Achievement definition properties
Attribute | Description |
idREAD-ONLY INTEGER | The unique Omneo ID for the definition |
nameSTRING | The display name of the definition |
handleSTRING | A unique handle for the definition |
descriptionSTRING | The internal description for the definition |
internal_notesSTRING | Internal notes attached to the definition |
typeSTRING | A basic string displaying the type of definition. |
starts_atDATE-TIME | The start date of the achievement. Achievement will become active after this date if the is_published is true |
ends_atDATE-TIME | The end date of the achievement. Achievement will become active after this date. |
is_publishedBOOLEAN | Denotes whether this achievement is active |
display_levelBOOLEAN | Display the achievement levels to users |
display_optionSTRING ENUM | Standard - can be seen by the customer along with instructions on how to earn Hidden - are not seen until 'unlocked' by the customer receiving a count of 1 or more Mystery - are seen as earnable with optional 'hint' copy but not revealed until unlocked System - are never seen by customers, but can be used to power more advanced incentive logic or reporting |
short_descriptionSTRING | A publicly available short description for this definition |
long_descriptionSTRING | A publicly available full HTML description of the definition |
terms_conditionsSTRING | The terms and conditions associated with the achievement |
earn_instructionsSTRING | Instructions displayed to the customer, on how to earn this achievement |
iconURL | A valid URL for the icon associated with this definition |
image_urlURL | A valid URL for the cover image associated with this definition |
levelsARRAY | Achievement levels attached to this definition. Review the below 'Creating Achievement Levels' Sec |
Creating Achievement Levels
Triggers type levels will grant a level when the achievement count reaches the trigger value. These are granted only once and are used for a fixed achievement path.
Repeat type levels will grant an achievement sequentially based on repeat interval. Used for campaigned such as 'Earn achievement for every 5 shops' etc.
A repeats value of 0 will continue indefinitely. Any other number will stop granting levels after that number is reached.
Achievement Level Fields
Attribute | Description |
idREAD-ONLY | The unique Omneo ID of the achievement level |
name | The display name of the level |
achievement_definition_id | The attached achievement definition for this level |
display_numberINTEGER | The display order of the level |
descriptionSTRING | The primary description for the level |
triggerINTEGER | The value the achievement count must reach to grant the level |
repeatsBOOLEAN | Denotes whether this level is repeatable |
repeat_intervalINTEGER | A repeats value of 0 will continue indefinitely. Any other number will stop granting levels after that number is reached. |
allow_multiple_earnBOOLEAN | Can this level be earned multiple times |
metaARRAY | Metadata attached to this level |