What is a status?
A Status is a special type of label, categorisation or tag that can be applied to a customer profile.
Profile statuses help identify the profiles association with a brand. For example, a profile status could be "Influencer", or "Stylist". Statuses can be ranked in a hierarchy, and can even be used to influence Omneo Incentives.
Further information about Statuses
Further information about statuses can be found on the Omneo Helpcenter article [here](More information about status's can be found on the Omneo [helpcenter] (https://help.omneo.io/hc/en-au/articles/360001136535-Status))
Status properties
Attributes | Description |
idINTEGER | The unique Omneo ID for the definition |
nameSTRING | The display name of the definition |
handleSTRING | A unique handle for the definition |
sort_orderINTEGER | The sort order of this status 0 = ascending -1 = descending |
descriptionSTRING | The internal description for the definition |
short_descriptionSTRING | A publicly available short description for this status |
long_descriptionSTRING | A publicly available full HTML description of the status |
terms_conditions | The terms and conditions associated with the status |
icon | A valid URL for the icon associated with this status |
image_url | A valid URL for the cover image associated with this status |
earn_instructions | Instructions displayed to the customer, on how to earn this status |
internal_notes | Internal notes attached to the status |
created_atSTRING DATE-TIME READ-ONLY | The UTC date & time the status record was created in ISO 8601 format. |
updated_atSTRING DATE-TIME READ-ONLY | The UTC date & time the status record was last updated in ISO 8601 format. |