What is a reward definition?
A reward definition is a configurable template, containing core information used when assigning a reward. To redeem a reward against a profile, you first need to specify the definition of the reward you are assigning.
For example, you may have a "Birthday" reward definition, and a "Christmas" reward definition.
When attributing the reward to a profile, you can specify your desired definition at the time of redemption.
Reward definition properties
Attribute | Description |
idINTEGER | The unique Omneo ID of the definition |
nameSTRING | The display name of the definition |
handleSTRING | The unique handle for the definition |
periodINTEGER | Valid for (in Days) |
descriptionSTRING | The internal description for the definition |
short_descriptionSTRING | A publicly available short description for this definition |
long_descriptionSTRING | A publicly available full HTML description for this definition |
terms_conditionsSTRING | Terms and conditions attached to this condition |
earn_instructionsSTRING | Instructions to customers on how to earn this reward |
iconURL | A valid URL for the icon associated with this definition |
image_urlURL | A valid URL for the cover image associated with this definition |
issue_target_idINTEGER | The target id used when an issued notification is triggered |
expiry_target_idINTEGER | the target id used when an expiry notification is triggered |
notify_issue_offsetINTEGER | Issue notification offset in hours |
notify_expiry_offsetINTEGER | Expiry notification offset in hours |
internal_notesSTRING | Internal notes attached to this definition |
typeSTRING ENUM | The type of the reward definition available values are: - activation - anniversary - birthday - bonus - campaign - customer-service - reactivation - spend - staff - system-adjustment - other |
valueFLOAT | The value of the reward |
is_extendableBOOLEAN | Denotes if this definition can be extended past the expiry date |
is_assignableBOOLEAN | Denotes whether this definition can be allocated to a profile. Further information about assigning reward can be found here |
is_reassignableBOOLEAN | Denotes whether this definition can be allocated to a profile when already allocated |
is_publishedBOOLEAN | Denotes whether this definition is published and is visible to the customer |
tagsARRAY | An Array of tags attached to this definition |
created_atSTRING DATE-TIME | The UTC date & time the definition record was created in ISO 8601 format. |
updated_atSTRING DATE-TIME | The UTC date & time the benefit definition was last updated in ISO 8601 format. |