What are benefits?
A Benefit is a percentage off discount or free product, with an attached expiry date
Benefits can be earned by doing (or not doing) a predetermined action or by moving between Tiers, Achievement levels or Status.
Benefits must be assigned to an Omneo profile and cannot be applied generically
Benefits can operate in isolation from or in conjunction with other Omneo Incentives Elements.
Benefits require a definition when being added to a profile. Benefit Definitions act as templates that can be used in the created a benefit instance, to specify the type of benefit being given.
Adding a Profile Benefit
By assigning a benefit definition to a profile, we are creating an instance of the benefit.
Use the Add Benefit Definition to create the definition if you don't have one already, then use Add Benefit to assign a benefit to a profile. You will need to specify the Benefit ID in your query.
Further information and examples of this process can be found at Working with Benefits.
Benefit properties
Attribute | Description |
idINTEGER | The unique Omneo ID of the benefit instance |
profile_idSTRING | The profile_id of the attached profile |
external_idSTRING | The external reference for this benefit instance. This is usually the benefit instance as it is referred to in your primary system outside Omneo |
expires_atDATE-TIME | A date-time of when the benefit will expire. |
issued_atDATE-TIME | A date-time of when the benefit was issued to the profile |
is_expiredBOOLEAN | Denotes whether this benefit is expired. |
is_redeemableBOOLEAN | Denotes whether this benefit is redeemable but the member |
redemptions_remainingINTEGER | The amount of redemptions remaining for this benefit for this benefit instance |
total_global_redemptions_remainingINTEGER | The amount of redemptions remaining globally for this benefit |
definitionOBJECT | An object containing data of the specified benefit definition used to create the benefit instance |
timezoneSTRING | A valid [timezone] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones) used when referencing date-time fields. |
claimed_atDATE-TIME | The date and time the member claimed the benefit via a claim button or other method see [Claiming Benefits] (https://help.omneo.io/hc/en-au/articles/360001389876-Claim-Benefit-) |
metaARRAY | An array of metadata attached to the benefit |
redeem_code_posSTRING | The redeem code used for claiming the benefit at an external POS system |
redeem_code_onlineSTRING | The redeem code used for claiming the benefit Online |
created_atREAD-ONLY STRING DATE-TIME | The UTC date & time the benefit record was created in ISO 8601 format. |
updated_atREAD-ONLY STRING DATE-TIME | The UTC date & time the benefit record was last updated in ISO 8601 format. |