Clienteling: Release 2.0.6

New Features:

  • can access/display the custom attributes of a ProfileList
    • the object in the tableCells array requires the "customFieldsHandle" key
  • Instead of displaying a value, the profileList table can optionally display a configurable string depending on whether a value is present or absent.
    • for this feature to work, the object in the tableCells array needs string values for both a "present" and "absent" key

Two blocks have been added to allow managing Connections and measurments on a profile

  • ProfileConnections
    View all attached connections of a specific definition type attached to a profile.
    Manage measurements and edit connection details from this block
  • ProfileConnectionsButton
    A dedicated button that allows staff to easily add new connections to a profile

Removed Scrollable 'Additional Fields' Block, and replaced with a collapsable accordion.
replaced customFields attribute with content attribute, which allows for a more diverse range when rendering additional fields.
Extra fields now directly use the id when populating form data.

  • Bugfix:
    Minor fixes to the StatusMovements block